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Electrical Upgrades


Ensure the safety, efficiency, and functionality of your electrical systems with our professional upgrade services. Whether you’re looking to update outdated wiring, install energy-efficient fixtures, or enhance your home’s smart capabilities, we offer custom solutions tailored to your needs and preferences. Our licensed electricians use industry-leading techniques and materials to ensure optimal performance and compliance with all relevant regulations and standards. From minor upgrades to comprehensive rewiring projects, we have the expertise and resources to get the job done right. Trust us to upgrade your electrical systems with precision, reliability, and professionalism, ensuring the safety and comfort of your home.


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At RIMovation, we pride ourselves on being certified general contractors recognized by the RBQ and CCQ governments. With a specialization in carpentry and joinery, we bring over a decade of invaluable experience to every project we undertake.


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Chez RIMovation, nous sommes fiers d'être des entrepreneurs généraux certifiés reconnus par les gouvernements RBQ et CCQ. Avec une spécialisation en charpentier_menuisier, nous apportons plus d’une décennie d’expérience inestimable à chaque projet que nous entreprenons.